In July 2009, the United States launched Operation Strike of the Sword with the objective of establishing control over the Helmand River Valley. This offensive aimed...
This was a failed Special Operations Mission in Kunar Province, which resulted in the largest loss of life for Navy Seals since World War II. The...
Operation Moshtarak, also known as the Battle of Marjah, was a significant offensive launched in February 2010 in the Helmand province. This major military operation aimed...
Operation Enduring Freedom, which took place from October 2001 to December 2014, marks the initial phase of the war led by the United States and supported...
In the rugged and volatile terrain of Afghanistan, where conflict has been a constant companion for decades, there emerged an operation that would reshape the course...
In the annals of warfare, certain battles stand as harbingers of the indomitable spirit and resilience displayed by soldiers in the face of relentless adversity. The...
In the vast and treacherous landscape of Afghanistan, a battle unfolded that would test the resolve and grit of Canada’s forces, and, later, those of Britain...
In the annals of U.S. military history, certain battles stand out as emblematic of the sacrifices made by brave soldiers to pursue freedom. The Battle of...